Notice of Privacy

Last update: May 10, 2021


This constitutes the privacy notice (the “Privacy Notice” or the “Notice”) related to the personal data collected by Business Center Metepec. (“Business Center Metepec”) on the page (the “Business Center Metepec Page”), in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (the “LFPDPPP”) . Terms that are not specifically defined in this Privacy Notice will have the meaning attributed in the LFPDPPP.

You (“Immobiliaria Vigro”), by providing the data requested in the registration section (“Business Center Metepec”), declare that you are understanding and accepting the terms and conditions contained in this Notice and expressly grant your acceptance and consent. using electronic means for this purpose, in terms of the provisions of article 1803 of the Federal Civil Code. If you do not fully and completely accept the terms and conditions of this Notice, you must refrain from providing any type of personal data in the Registry.

This Notice is made available to users or visitors of the Page, whose personal data will be used and processed for the services offered therein. The address established by Business Center Metepec for the purposes of this notice is located at Paseo San Isidro no. 400 Pte. Barrio de Santa Cruz Int.11 Metepec, Edo de México C.P. 52140.

For the purposes of the provisions of this Notice, only the following personal identification data of the User will be collected and processed on the Page:

Name, surname, telephone numbers, email and profession.

We may also obtain the OWNER’s personal data through the so-called public access sources, in order to validate, update and contact the OWNER, respecting at all times the reasonable expectation of privacy, referred to in article 7 of the LFPDPPP.

The OWNER hereby grants his express consent in terms of article 8 of the LFPDPPP, for Us to process his personal data, contained in this Notice, to fulfill the following purposes:

Primary purposes:

Contact the User, via email, telephone or social networks, to provide attention, monitoring, updating, notifications and communications regarding the educational services offered on the Page.

To comply with the obligations contracted with the User.

Secondary purposes:

To evaluate the quality of the educational services offered on the Page.

Conduct surveys, statistics or internal studies on consumer habits and preferences. Business Center Metepec may upload results, testimonials, images, comments and information derived from the answers to the surveys on the Page, identifying the OWNER with full name, photo, comment and/or age.

To send or provide notices, notifications, additional communications, promotions, advertising, commercial prospecting, offers, updates and information about our educational services, their changes or new services.

Send information and news on topics related to our services that we consider may interest you.

Generate a record in the User database for research, statistical or market purposes.

If the OWNER does not want his/her personal data to be used for all or some of the secondary purposes, he/she must send a request for deletion of his/her data, specifying the purposes for which he/she does not wish to have his/her personal data processed, to the following email:

The OWNER transfers to Business Center Metepec the rights that correspond to all the opinions sent by the indicated means, for which the OWNER accepts that said opinions may be published on the Page.

As part of the management and administration of Business Center Metepec, we may transfer your personal data:

With any of our affiliated companies, subsidiaries, licensee or assignee companies and/or belonging to the same economic group in Mexico.

With administrative, judicial or government authorities of any type, in Mexico or abroad, provided that this is established by judicial or administrative order or that a law so determines.

When said transfer is necessary to safeguard the public interest and the administration of justice, as well as the exercise, defense or recognition of rights in judicial proceedings.

You agree that Business Center Metepec is not required to notify you or obtain your consent for the aforementioned transfers.

Likewise, your personal data may be shared with any prospect, potential buyer or acquirer of Business Center Metepec. Likewise, your personal data may be shared with third parties interested in conducting business or establishing a legal or commercial relationship with Us. You may deny your consent to the transfers mentioned in this paragraph by letting us know through any of our contact details. The OWNER accepts and acknowledges that by virtue of article 37 of the LFPDPPP, the transfers described above are necessary to comply with the obligations that Business Center Metepec has agreed with the OWNER, so his consent is not required to carry out the same.

Except for the aforementioned cases, Business Center Metepec will not share or transfer your personal data to third parties except in the cases provided for in the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties or any other applicable regulations.

Business Center Metepec allows the OWNER to access the Page through the account of various social networks. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH ASSOCIATED THIRD PARTY SERVICE PROVIDERS IS GOVERNED SOLELY BY THE AGREEMENTS YOU HAVE WITH SUCH THIRD PARTY SERVICE PROVIDERS. Business Center Metepec recognizes that the Page may use “cookies” in connection with certain features or functions. Cookies are specific types of information that a website transmits to the OWNER’S computer hard drive for record keeping purposes. Cookies can serve to facilitate the use of a website, by saving passwords and preferences while the OWNER browses the Internet. The Page does not use or save cookies to obtain personal identification data from the OWNER’s computer that was not originally sent as part of the cookie. For their part, “web beacons” are images inserted into an Internet page or email, which can be used to monitor the behavior of a visitor, such as storing information about the User’s IP address, duration of interaction time on said page and the type of browser used, among others. Emails that include links that allow Business Center Metepec to know if you activated said link and visited the destination web page, and this information may be included in your profile. Emails from Business Center Metepec may include links designed to direct you to the relevant sections of the Page, by redirecting you through Business Center Metepec’s servers. The retargeting system allows you to determine the effectiveness of your online marketing campaigns. Although most browsers accept “cookies” and “web beacons” automatically, the OWNER can configure their browser so that it does not accept them.

Business Center Metepec is committed to making its best effort to protect the security of the personal data that the OWNER is providing, in accordance with security and confidentiality standards and procedures. Notwithstanding the foregoing, and in the event of security breaches occurring in any phase of the treatment, which significantly affect the economic or moral rights of the OWNERS, they will be informed by email, immediately, in order to that the latter can take the corresponding measures to defend their rights, exonerating Business Center Metepec from any responsibility, if the violation is not attributable to Business Center Metepec.

Likewise, the OWNER may unsubscribe from the list of mass sending of advertising or marketing emails from Business Center Metepec.

In the event that the OWNER needs to revoke his consent, as well as Access, Rectify, Cancel or Oppose the processing of the personal data he has provided (“Business Center Metepec”), he must do so through the following email: contacto@centraldederecho. com.

The OWNER of the personal data may revoke the consent granted with the acceptance of this document. Said revocation of the consent that is granted by electronic means must be done observing the following procedure: Send an email to, indicating the full name of the OWNER, address and email to receive the response generated with reason for your request, the reason for your request, the arguments that support your request or request and a copy of the official document that proves your identity and demonstrates that you are who you say you are.

Business Center Metepec will notify the OWNER in writing, via email, within a maximum period of twenty days, counted from the date on which the request regarding the exercise of the ARCO Rights was received, of the resolution adopted, to the effect that, if is appropriate, it is made effective within fifteen days following the date on which the response is communicated, through a message containing that it has executed all the acts aimed at not processing the personal data of the OWNER. In the event that the information provided in your request is erroneous or insufficient, or the corresponding accreditation documents are not accompanied, we may ask you, within five business days following receipt of the request, to provide the elements or documents necessary to process it. The OWNER will have ten business days to respond to the request, counting from the day following receipt of it. If a response is not provided within said period, the corresponding request will be considered not submitted.

Likewise, you should keep in mind that not in all cases we will be able to process your request since it is possible that Business Center Metepec has a legal or contractual obligation to continue processing your personal data. Likewise, you must consider that, for certain purposes, the revocation of your consent will mean that Business Center Metepec will not be able to continue providing you with the service you contracted.

The parties agree that the Notice may be modified in the time and manner determined by Business Center Metepec, taking into account the study and regulations regarding the protection of personal data that arise, so Business Center Metepec is obliged to keep this document updated. Notice for consultation on the Page, so that, where appropriate, the OWNER is able to exercise his ARCO Rights. At the beginning of this Notice, the date of its last update will be placed.

The parties express that this Notice will be governed by the legal provisions applicable in the Mexican Republic, especially by the provisions of the LFPDPPP and its Regulations. In the event that there is a dispute or controversy, derived from the interpretation, execution or compliance of the notice, of any of the documents derived from it, or that are related to it, the parties will amicably seek to reach an agreement within within a period of thirty (30) calendar days, counted from the date on which any difference arises and the counterparty is notified in writing of said event, deducting the mediation process before the Alternative Justice Center of Mexico City. , under the protection of the Alternative Justice Law of the Superior Court of Justice of Mexico City and its Internal Regulations, in force at the time the controversy arises. In the event that the parties do not reach an agreement, they hereby agree that all disagreements arising from this Notice or from any of the documents derived from it, or that are related to this or those, be submitted to definitively to the jurisdiction and laws of the Federal Administrative Authorities or Courts of Mexico City, expressly waiving any different jurisdiction that may correspond to them due to their present or future domiciles.

Terms and Conditions

1. Introduction

You, as a user of the site, must carefully read these terms and conditions.

By entering and using this page or Internet site, whose domain name is (the “Site”), property of Business Center Metepec, which hereinafter will be called “Business Center Metepec”, the user is accepting the terms and conditions of its use contained in the site and expressly declares its acceptance using electronic means for this purpose, in terms of the provisions of article 1803 and other correlatives of the Federal Civil Code.

If the user does not absolutely and completely accept these terms and conditions, the user must refrain from accessing and using the Site.

If the user accesses and uses the Site, this simple fact will be considered an absolute and express acceptance of the terms and conditions of use stipulated here, and therefore a binding relationship will exist.

The sole use of said Internet page grants the general public the status of user and implies full and unconditional acceptance of each and every one of the general and particular conditions included in these terms and conditions of use published by Business Center. Metepec at the moment the user accesses the Site.

The user acknowledges that he or she is a person with sufficient capacity to acquire the obligations derived from his or her actions through the Site, who has previously read and understands its content.

Any modification to these terms and conditions of use will be made when the owner of the same, in this case Business Center Metepec, considers it appropriate, it being the sole responsibility of the user to ensure that they are aware of such modifications.

2. License

Business Center Metepec grants and grants the user the non-exclusive, temporary, revocable and non-transferable right to view and use the Site, in accordance with the terms and conditions of use stipulated herein. “User” means any person of any nature who enters the Site and/or any of the subpages that display its content and/or any person of any nature who registers and/or uses any of the services provided. offered through said page.

The user may only print and/or copy any information contained or published on the Site exclusively for personal use; commercial use of such information is strictly prohibited. If you are a legal entity, you will be subject to the provisions of article 148, section IV of the Federal Copyright Law.

The reprinting, publication, distribution, assignment, sublicense, sale, electronic or other reproduction, in whole or in part, of any information, document or graphic that appears on the Site, for any use other than personal non-commercial use is expressly prohibited. user, unless you have prior written authorization from Business Center Metepec.

3. Rules of use

The user agrees that the use of the Site will be subject to the following rules:

The user acknowledges and accepts that the information published or contained on said site will be clearly identified in such a way that it is recognized that it comes from and has been generated by Business Center Metepec or its suppliers.

Buiness Center Metepec reserves the right to block access or remove partially or totally any information, communication or material that in its sole judgment may be: i) abusive, defamatory or obscene; ii) fraudulent, artificial or deceptive; iii) violating copyright, trademarks, confidentiality, industrial secrets or any industrial property right or Copyright of a third party; iv) offensive or; v) that in any way contravenes the provisions of this agreement. If the user wishes to obtain more information on a specific topic provided by Business Center Metepec or its suppliers, they must consult directly with each of them, as appropriate, and/or with a specialist in the matter.

The Site may contain links to other websites, which does not mean that they are owned or operated by Business Center Metepec, which is why it does not assume responsibility for links to other web pages found on the Site, which may lead the User to others. websites over which Business Center Metepec does not have any type of control, so the user accesses the content under their exclusive responsibility and under the conditions of use that govern them.

4. Products

The Site offers products consisting of meeting rooms, work spaces, physical and virtual offices.

In order to purchase any of the products offered on the site, the user must register with the information requested, among others, name, email or telephone number and details of the debit or credit card with which they wish to make the purchase. You are recommended to consult the Privacy Notice contained on the Site.

Once the product has been purchased, Business Center Metepec or its supplier will send the user by email or WhatsApp the link or links to access the purchased product.

Once the access link to the purchased product is sent to the user, there will be no returns of the product or refunds of the payment made.

The Site may have some discounts expressed in percentages or through discount codes.

5. Intellectual property

Business Center Metepec, the website, its logos and all the material that appears on said site, are trademarks, domain names, trade names and artistic works property of their respective owners and are protected by international treaties and the applicable laws regarding industrial property and copyright.

The copyright on the content, organization, collection, compilation, information, logos, photographs, images, programs, applications, and in general any information contained or published on the Site are duly protected in favor of Business Center Metepec, its affiliates. , suppliers and/or their respective owners, in accordance with the applicable legislation on industrial property or Copyright and industrial rights.

The user is expressly prohibited from modifying, altering or deleting, either totally or partially, the notices, brands, trade names, signs, advertisements, logos or in general any indication that refers to the ownership of the information contained on the site. indicated.

In the event that the user transmits to Business Center Metepec any information, programs, applications, software or in general any material that requires licensing through the Site, the user hereby grants Business Center Metepec a perpetual, universal, free license. , non-exclusive, worldwide and royalty-free, including the rights to sublicense, sell, reproduce, distribute, transmit, create derivative works, publicly display and perform them.

The provisions of the previous paragraph will also apply to any other information that the user sends or transmits to the Business Center Metepec, including, without limitation, ideas to renew or improve the Site, whether these have been included in any space of the indicated page or by virtue of other means or modes of transmission known or developed in the future.

Therefore, the user expressly renounces with this act to carry out any action, demand or claim against Business Center Metepec, its affiliates or suppliers for any current or eventual violation of any copyright or industrial property right derived from the information. , programs, applications, software, ideas and other material that the user sends to the Site.

It is our policy to act against violations of industrial property or Copyright that may be generated or originated in accordance with the provisions of the legislation and other applicable industrial property laws, including the elimination or blocking of access to material that is subject to activities that infringe the industrial property rights or copyrights of third parties.

In the event that any user or third party considers that any of the content found or introduced on the Site and/or any of its services violates their industrial property rights or Copyright, they must send a notification to the following contact address., in which they indicate: i) true personal data (name, address, telephone number and email address of the claimant); ii) handwritten signature with the personal data of the owner of the industrial property rights or Copyright; iii) precise and complete indication of the content(s) protected by the industrial property rights or Copyrights allegedly infringed, as well as the location of said violations on the referred website; iv) express and clear declaration that the introduction of the indicated content(s) has been made without the consent of the owner of the industrial property rights or Copyrights allegedly infringed; v) express, clear declaration under the responsibility of the claimant that the information provided in the notification is accurate and that the introduction of the content(s) constitutes a violation of said rights.

6. Lack of guarantees

The user agrees that the use of the Site is at their own risk and that the services and products provided and offered therein are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. Business Center Metepec does not guarantee that the indicated page satisfies the user’s requirements or that the services offered therein are uninterrupted, secure or error-free.

Business Center Metepec does not guarantee or endorse in any way the truthfulness, accuracy, legality, morality or any other characteristic of the content of the material published on the Site.

The user releases Business Center Metepec from any responsibility and conditions, both express and implicit, in relation to the services and information contained or available on or through this website; including, without limitation:

The availability of use of the website

The absence of viruses, errors, deactivators or any other contaminating material or with destructive functions in the information or programs available on or through this page or in general any failure on said site.

However, the above, Business Center Metepec or its suppliers may update the content of the page constantly, so the user is requested to take into account that some information advertised or contained on or through this website may have become obsolete and/or or contain inaccuracies or typographical or spelling errors.

7. Limitations of liability

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, Business Center Metepec will not be liable, in any case, for direct, special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages that in any way arise from or are related to:

The use or execution of the Site, with the delay or lack of availability of use of it.

The provision or lack thereof of services of any information or graphics contained or published on or through the indicated site.

The updating or lack of updating of information.

The alteration or modification, total or partial, of the information after it has been included on said site.

Any other aspect or characteristic of the information contained or published on the website or through the links that may eventually be included on this site.

Regarding the provision or lack of provision of other services, all the above assumptions will be in force, even in cases in which you have been notified or advised about the possibility of said damages being caused.

8. Modifications

Business Center Metepec may at any time and when it deems appropriate, without the need to notify the user, make corrections, additions, improvements or modifications to the content, presentation, information, services, areas, databases and other elements of said site, without that this gives rise or right to any claim or compensation, nor does this imply recognition of any responsibility in favor of the user.

Business Center Metepec reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time, said modifications being effective immediately through any of the following:

The publication on the Site of the updated terms and conditions.

Notification to the user about said modifications.

In this way, the user agrees to review the terms and conditions periodically in order to stay aware of such modifications. However, the above, each time the user accesses the indicated site will be considered absolute acceptance of the modifications to these terms and conditions.

9. Additional terms

From time to time, Business Center Metepec may add to these terms and conditions additional provisions relating to specific areas or new services provided on or through the Site (hereinafter “additional terms”), which will be published in the specific areas or new services of said site for your reading and acceptance. The user acknowledges and accepts that these additional terms are an integral part of these terms and conditions for all legal purposes that may apply.

10. Transfer of rights

Business Center Metepec may, at any time and when it deems appropriate, totally or partially assign its rights and obligations derived from this agreement. By virtue of said assignment, Business Center Metepec will be released from any obligation in favor of the user, established in this agreement.

11. Compensation

The user agrees to indemnify Business Center Metepec, its affiliates, suppliers, vendors and advisors for any action, demand or claim (including attorneys’ fees and legal costs) arising from any breach by the user of this agreement; including, without limitation, those derived from:

Any aspect related to the use of the website

The information contained or available on or through said site or libel, defamation or any other conduct that violates this agreement by the user in the use of the indicated website.

The violation of applicable laws or international treaties relating to copyright or industrial property or Copyright, contained or available on, or through said website.

12. Termination

Business Center Metepec reserves the right, at its sole discretion, and without notice or notification to the user, to:

Permanently terminate these terms and conditions.

Discontinue or permanently stop publishing the website without any responsibility for Business Center Metepec, its affiliates or suppliers.

13. Subsistence

These terms and conditions of use, as well as any additional terms, constitute the entire agreement between the parties, and supersede any other agreement or agreement entered into previously. Any clause or provision of this agreement, as well as the additional terms, legally declared invalid, will be eliminated or modified at the discretion of Business Center Metepec, in order to correct its vice or defect. However, the rest of the clauses or provisions will maintain their force, obligation and validity.

14. No waiver of rights

Inactivity on the part of Business Center Metepec, its affiliates or suppliers in the exercise of any right or action derived from this agreement, should at no time be interpreted as a waiver of said rights or actions.

15. Address and contact

If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions, you can contact Business Center Metepec through any of the following means of contact.

The address of Business Center Metepec is located at Paseo San Isidro no. 400 Pte. Barrio de Santa Cruz Int.11 Metepec, Edo de México C.P. 52140.


Telephone: 7222627500

16. Applicable law and jurisdiction

This agreement will be subject to and interpreted in accordance with the laws and before the competent courts in Mexico City, Mexico.

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